碳科学技术的研究现状与发展趋势 ———2014 年世界炭会议介绍

The development and prospects of carbon science ———A report on the annual world conference on carbon, Carbon 2014

  • 摘要: 2014 年国际碳会议(Carbon 2014)于2014 年6 月29 日-7 月4 日在韩国济州举行。会议主办方为韩国碳素学会, 并得到了韩国KOFST 的大力支持。来自35 个国家和地区的859 位学者参加了这次会议,与会代表人数排名前10 位的国家和地区分别是:韩国、中国、日本、美国、法国、德国、英国、西班牙和哈萨克斯坦。中国大陆地区来自清华大学、北京大学、中国科学院金属研究所、北京化工大学、西北工业大学和中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所等单位的119 名学者参加了会议。本次会议共收录729 篇摘要,围绕碳科学的研究现状和热点共设置了7 个主题,其中大会报告(Plenary Lecture)5 篇,分会主题报告(Keynote lecture Talk)10 篇,分会邀请报告(Invited Lecture Talk)46 篇,其它口头报告273 篇,墙报展示395 篇。


    Abstract: The 2014 Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2014), hosted by the Korean Carbon Society, was held in Jeju, Korea, June 29 July 4, 2014. 859 attendees from 35 countries / regions participated in the conference, and 729 papers were accepted for presentation, including 5 plenary lectures, 10 keynote talks, 46 invited lectures, 273 oral presentations and 395 posters, covering 7 topics: graphene; carbon nanotubes and related carbon nanomaterials; carbon precursors, carbon fibers and composites; industrial graphites, carbon industry news, and carbon blacks; porous carbons, carbon for health and environmental protection; carbons for sustainable energy conversion and storage, carbons for energy saving; analysis, characterization, computation and modeling of carbons. Research on and development of nanocarbons are quite active and in particular, graphene received tremendous interest. Rapid progress has also been made on the electrochemical properties, energy conversion and energy storage applications of carbon materials.


