
Microstructure characteristics and ablation behavior of an Al1.92Cr0.08O3-SiC-ZrC anti-ablation coating

  • 摘要: 结合低压等离子喷涂和料浆法,在C/C-ZrC-SiC复合材料表面制备新型多元氧化物-碳化物复合陶瓷涂层,并通过掺杂过渡元素Cr来提升涂层整体热稳定性能。采用XRD和SEM等手段分析复合涂层的相组成和微观结构,并研究所制复合陶瓷涂层在2 500℃氧乙炔烧蚀环境中的协同抗氧化烧蚀行为。结果显示,有Al1.92Cr0.08O3-SiC-ZrC复合涂层保护的样品烧蚀性能相比于无涂层的C/C-ZrC-SiC基体有明显提升,烧蚀120 s后的质量烧蚀率和线烧蚀率分别下降了66%和76%。烧蚀后样品表面形成了独特稳定的复合多元氧化物防护结构,其高熔点ZrO2骨架,Al1.96Cr0.04O3-SiO2熔融相弥合其中的连续结构赋予了复合材料较好的抗烧蚀能力。


    Abstract: A novel oxide-carbide coating system was achieved on a C/C-ZrC-SiC composite surface by low-pressure plasma spraying and a slurry method, with Cr doping to improve the thermal stability of the coating. The phase compositions and microstructure characteristics of composites were characterized by XRD, SEM and EDS. The ablation properties were tested in an oxy-acetylene environment at temperatures up to 2500℃ for 120 s. The results show that the C/C-ZrC-SiC substrate coated with the Al1.92Cr0.08O3-SiC-ZrC coating exhibits a significant improvement in ablation resistance, with the mass and linear ablation rates decreased by 66% and 76% respectively. This is caused by the highly dense and stable protective structure formed during ablation. The pinning effect of the ZrO2 phase and the thermal-stability efficiency of Cr2O3 provide and explanation for the reduction of the volatilization of SiO2 and Al2O3 at high temperature. Continuous and robust multi-oxide scales on the surface comprised of ZrO2 grain skeletons and molten Al1.96Cr0.04O3-SiO2 cause the superior anti-ablation property.


