
Ablation behaviour and mechanical performance of ZrB2-ZrC-SiC modified carbon/carbon composites prepared by vacuum infiltration combined with reactive melt infiltration

  • 摘要: 先进飞行器的研发依赖于高性能热结构材料,超高温陶瓷改性的炭/炭复合材料是一种理想的候选材料。然而,传统的制备方法要么效率低、成本高,要么陶瓷在基体中不均匀分布。与传统的反应熔渗ZrSi2工艺制备的C/C-ZrC-SiC复合材料相比,通过真空过滤ZrB2并结合反应熔渗制备的C/C-ZrB2-ZrC-SiC复合材料具有陶瓷相含量高且分布均匀的优点。与C/C-ZrC-SiC复合材料相比,C/C-ZrB2-ZrC-SiC复合材料的质量和线性烧蚀率分别降低了68.9%和29.7%。烧蚀性能得到改善的原因在于B2O3的挥发带走了部分热量,而且ZrO2的分布更加均匀,有助于形成连续的ZrO2-SiO2保护层,从而阻碍氧气渗入,降低烧蚀程度。


    Abstract: The development of advanced aircraft relies on high performance thermal-structural materials, and carbon/carbon composites (C/C) composited with ultrahigh-temperature ceramics are ideal candidates. However, the traditional routes of compositing are either inefficient and expensive or lead to a non-uniform distribution of ceramics in the matrix. Compared with the traditional C/C-ZrC-SiC composites prepared by the reactive melt infiltration of ZrSi2, C/C-ZrB2-ZrC-SiC composites prepared by the vacuum infiltration of ZrB2 combined with reactive melt infiltration have the higher content and more uniform distribution of the introduced ceramic phases. The mass and linear ablation rates of the C/C-ZrB2-ZrC-SiC composites were respectively 68.9% and 29.7% lower than those of C/C-ZrC-SiC composites prepared by reactive melt infiltration. The ablation performance was improved because the volatilization of B2O3, removes some of the heat, and the more uniformly distributed ZrO2, that helps produce a ZrO2-SiO2 continuous protective layer, hinders oxygen infiltration and decreases ablation.


