
Electroless Ag deposition on the cell walls of carbon foam by a displacement method

  • 摘要: 为了有效地将大体积泡沫炭表面及孔隙内壁金属化,提出了置换沉积镀银的方法。该方法主要包括两个步骤:首先在泡沫炭孔隙内壁化学镀铜;然后,通过置换法沉积镀银。与传统的化学镀银相比,该方法中银的有效利用率和银在泡沫炭上的结合能力都有明显的提高。通过SEM、XRD、EDS以及电学与机械性能测试等,对镀层的纯度和泡沫炭的性能进行了分析。结果表明,泡沫炭孔隙内壁沉积上了致密、连续的银镀层。同时镀层中为结晶银,不含铜或银的其它氧化物。当银含量达15.5%时,镀银泡沫炭电导率从700 S/cm增加至2 055 S/cm,压缩强度从0.54 MPa增大至1.05 MPa。


    Abstract: To obtain efficient metalization of the surface and cell walls of carbon foam, an electroless silver displacement deposition method was investigated, in which a copper layer was first electroless-deposited and then displaced by silver. The purity of the silver coating, and the morphology, microstructure, mechanical strength and electrical conductivity of the resulting carbon foams were characterized by SEM, EDS, XRD, mechanical and conductivity tests. Results indicate that a uniform and continuous silver film is formed on the cell walls of the carbon foam with a better adhesion to the carbon compared to that obtained using the traditional one-step silver plating method. The coating is crystalline silver without copper or silver oxide. The conductivity and mechanical strength of these carbon foams increase from 700 to 2 055 S/cm and 0.54 to 1.05 MPa, respectively when the silver content is increased from 0 to 15.5 wt%.


