
Effects of the high-temperature treatment of C/C composites on their tribological properties

  • 摘要: 采用化学气相渗透法(CVI)工艺制备C/C复合材料,然后在2 300℃处理其中一个C/C试样。通过化学气相渗透法结合液体硅渗透法(LSI)制备C/C-SiC复合材料。为了提高制动的稳定性并期望克服C/C和C/C-SiC自磨的缺点,在MM-3 000型摩擦磨损试验机上研究了C/C配对C/C-SiC摩擦副的摩擦学性能。结果表明,经2 300℃高温热处理(HTT)的C/C配对C/C-SiC的平均摩擦系数(COF)为0.280,稳定摩擦系数为0.65,而没有经过高温热处理的C/C配对C/C-SiC摩擦副的平均摩擦系数及稳定摩擦系数分别为0.451和0.55。经过2 300℃高温热处理和没经过高温热处理的C/C的线磨损率分别为8.9 μm/(slide cycle)和3.7 μm/(slide cycle)。由于高温热处理会引起碳软化,导致了经过2 300℃高温热处理的C/C磨损率增加。总之,经过高温热处理的C/C配对C/C-SiC在提高稳定摩擦系数的同时不能改善其他摩擦磨损性能。C/C配对C/C-SiC的磨损机理主要是磨粒磨损,氧化磨损和疲劳磨损。


    Abstract: C/C composites prepared by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) were subjected to high temperature treatment (HTT) at 2 300℃ under an Ar atmosphere. C/C-SiC composites were prepared by liquid silicon infiltration (LSI) of the C/C composites before HTT. The C/C composites before (A) and after (B) HTT were mated with the C/C-SiC to form friction pairs to investigate their tribological properties. Results indicated that the average coefficient of friction (COF) and stable COF of the C/C-B are 0.280 and 0.65 while that of the C/C-B are 0.451 and 0.55, respectively. The average linear wear rate of the C/C-A and the C/C-B are 3.7 and 8.9 μm/(slide cycle), respectively. SEM reveals that the wear debris of the C/C-A is particulate while that of the C/C-B are the sheets, and the friction surface is more flat for C/C-B than C/C-A. HTT leads to a softening of the carbon, increases the wear rate, but improves the stable COF of the C/C composites. The wear mechanisms of the composites are mainly grain-abrasion, oxidation loss and fatigue wear.


