

  • 摘要: 研究了经不同温度下热处理后短切纤维模压预制体炭/炭复合材料样品的磁电阻特性。研究结果表明C/C复合材料的磁电阻-位向关系曲线的形状与C/C预制体结构有关,不同预制体结构的材料,磁电阻-位向关系曲线形状不同。C/C复合材料出现磁电阻恒为0的起始温度与材料的石墨化特性有很大关系。石墨化程度越高,材料的磁电阻越大,磁电阻达到0时的测量温度越高。研究发现,磁电阻-测量温度曲线回归方程的斜率随热处理温度的增加而降低,且斜率-热处理温度的变化曲线与材料d002随热处理温度的变化曲线形状类似。


    Abstract: The magnetoresistance (MR) characteristic of C/C composites fabricated with in the preform with short carbon fibers and treated at different heat treatment temperatures (HTT), were investigated. Results show that the shape of the MR-orientation curves of C/C composites depends on the fiber texture of the preform. The temperature from which the MR of C/C composites changes to zero is related to the graphitization behavior of the C/C composites. With an increase in the degree of graphitization, the MR of the composites increases and the temperature when the MR changes to zero also increases. The slope (k) of the regressing equation of the curve of MR versus temperature decreases with an increase of HTT, and the shape of the k-HTT curve is similar to that of the d002-HTT curve.


