

  • 摘要: 应用流延涂布方法制备活性炭电极膜片,采用电极膜片层叠技术制造超级电容器。由于使用价廉的粉状活性炭做电极原料,大大提高了电容器的制造效率,为大批量生产和商业化创造了条件。电化学应用测试发现KOH体系超级电容器拥有良好的电化学性能。其能量密度可达1.16 Wh/Kg,5万次充放电循环后能量损耗率小于20%,且功率特性好,内阻和漏电流小,能够在-20℃~80℃下正常工作,保存500d后性能基本上没有衰减。


    Abstract: The fabrication of activated carbon laminated stacked supercapacitor electrodes and their electrochemical properties are described. The material cost can be reduced to a commercially acceptable level by using actived carbon. In addition, the introduction of continuous spread technology for preparing activated carbon electrodes provides mass production capability. Supercapacitors with good electrochemical performance were confirmed by experimental charge-discharge with low internal resistance and leakage current. The energy density of the supercapacitors with KOH as electrolyte is 1.16 Wh/Kg and the capacitance decay less than 20% after over 50000 cycles is obtanied under large discharge current condition. They can work at temperatures from -20℃ to 80℃. After 500 days on the shelf, the capacitance remains unchanged.


