

  • 摘要: 良好的界面粘结是制备高性能复合材料的关键之一,而树脂与纤维的优良浸润则是其首要前提。通过考察环氧618树脂与环氧AG80树脂在T300和T700两种炭纤维堆积体中分别沿垂直于纤维方向和平行纤维方向的浸润特性,同时模拟实际复合材料成型工艺条件,分析了浸润速率随树脂温度和纤维体积分数的变化规律。研究结果表明,树脂在垂直于T700炭纤维方向的浸润速率明显慢于相同条件下其在平行纤维方向的浸润。并且纤维含量对两种方向的浸润影响不同,垂直纤维方向的浸润速率随纤维体积分数的增加而减缓,而平行纤维方向的浸润速率则随纤维体积分数的增加而加快。以上研究结果均可用于指导复合材料成型工艺,具有较好的实际参考价值。


    Abstract: In a composite system, the adhesion at the interface between fiber and matrix plays an important role in improving the resulting mechanical behavior. However, interfacial adhesion cannot be achieved without intimate contact. Impregnation flows in T300 and T700 carbon fiber beds were tested when penetrated by a 618 epoxy resin and a AG80 epoxy resin, in both longitudinal and transverse directions. The effects of temperature and fiber volume fraction on the impregnation performance were investigated. Results show that capillary impregnation in the transverse direction is much lower than impregnation in the longitudinal direction. Different trends were found in the analysis of the effect of fiber volume fraction on capillary impregnation in these two directions. With increasing fiber volume fraction, the wicking height increases in the longitudinal impregnation, however, it decreases in the transverse impregnation.


