

  • 摘要: 为了开发体积小巧、大功率放电性能优良的超级电容器,选用比表面积1660m2/g的椰壳活性炭,采用扣式电池结构,通过恒电流充放电、电化学阻抗谱、扫描电子显微镜等方法对其用于超级电容器的性能进行了考察。结果表明,选用椰壳活性炭的最大比容量为79F/g,大功率放电性能优良。继而采用该种椰壳活性炭为电极活性物质,以6mol/L KOH为电解液,外包装采用涂覆防腐蚀尼龙层的铝箔袋软包装组装了1V、70F的超级电容器,外形尺寸为35mm×43mm×6mm。测试结果表明其比功率密度为170W/kg或330W/L,比能量密度1Wh/kg,大功率放电特性较好。


    Abstract: In an attempt to develop small highpower supercapacitors a 1V-70F, 9cm3, coinshaped supercapacitor was fabricated using coconutshell activated carbon with a surface area of 1660m2/g and 6mol/L KOH as the electrolyte. The outer package was made from laminated aluminum foil covered with a nylon insulating layer. The electrochemical behavior was measured by constant current charge/discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A specific capacitance of 79F/g was obtained. Results show that a specific power density of 170W/kg or 330 W/L, and a specific energy density of 1Wh/kg can be reached with an excellent discharge performance under high current density.


