潘春旭 祁 祥. 碳基一维纳米异质结制备的研究进展[J]. 新型炭材料, 2009, 23(01): 1-7.
引用本文: 潘春旭 祁 祥. 碳基一维纳米异质结制备的研究进展[J]. 新型炭材料, 2009, 23(01): 1-7.
PAN Chun-xu. Progress in the synthesis of one-dimensional |carbon nanometer heterojunctions[J]. New Carbon Mater., 2009, 23(01): 1-7.
Citation: PAN Chun-xu. Progress in the synthesis of one-dimensional |carbon nanometer heterojunctions[J]. New Carbon Mater., 2009, 23(01): 1-7.


Progress in the synthesis of one-dimensional |carbon nanometer heterojunctions

  • 摘要: 碳基一维纳米异质结由于其独特的结构与性能,以及在纳米器件方面的应用前景,得到了广泛的关注和大量的研究。通过详细述评碳基一维纳米异质结的各种制备方法,主要分为气相法、液相法、模板法,以及其他方法,如电场诱导、放电等离子体烧结、电子束照射、微机械操作和化学键连接等。展望了碳基一维纳米异质结的发展趋势,并认为其大批量可控制备、界面结构、物性,以及纳米器件的组装将是未来一段时间内的研究热点。


    Abstract: One-dimensional carbon nanometer heterojunctions (1D-CNHJs) have attracted tremendous interest owing to their distinctive microstructures, properties and potential applications in nanometer devices. The progress for various synthesizing methods for 1D-CNHJs, such as vapor-phase, solution-phase, template-based, electric-field induction, spark plasma sintering, electron beam irradiation, mechanical manipulation, and chemical interconnection, were reviewed. It is considered that future research for 1D-CNHJs should be focused on large-scale production, controllable synthesis, interfacial microstructure control, properties and device building.


