
Preparation and performance of carbon/polypyrrole membranes as an electrode in supercapacitors

  • 摘要: 采用电化学沉积工艺,在MEMS超级电容器的三维结构集流体上制备出聚吡咯(PPy)、聚吡咯/碳纳米管(PPy/CNT)、聚吡咯/石墨烯(PPy/GR)三种类型的膜电极。采用SEM对三种膜电极进行形貌观察,采用循环伏安、交流阻抗、恒电流充放电和循环充放电研究三种膜电极的电化学电容性能。结果表明,复合电极的微观结构稳定,复合薄膜和集流体之间的结合力大;基于三种膜电极的MEMS超级电容器电容量依次增大,阻抗依次减小,放电电流为1 mA时,比电容分别达到7.0、8.0、8.3 mF/cm2,经过5 000次恒流充放电循环后,电容器的比电容分别保持了原来的 72.9%、85.0% 和89.2%。在PPy电极中引入CNT或GR后,MEMS超级电容器的电化学和膜电极结构稳定性可得到明显改善。


    Abstract: Three membrane electrodes for supercapacitors in micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) were made of polypyrrole (PPy), carbon nanotube/polypyrrole (CNT/PPy) and graphene/polypyrrole (GR/PPy) electrodeposited on current collectors. The samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge/discharge. Results indicate that there are strong adhesive forces between the electrode materials and the current collectors. The electrode resistances decrease in the order of PPy, CNT/PPy and GR/PPy. The specific capacitances are 7.0,8.0 and 8.3mF/cm2 at a discharge current of 1mA and their retention rates after 5000 charge/discharge cycles are 72.9,85.0 and 89.2% for PPy, CNT/PPy and GR/PPy, respectively. The electrochemical performance and stability of the MEMS supercapacitors are improved significantly by adding CNTs or graphene to PPy.


