Preparation and oil absorption performance of sponge-like activated carbon/organic composites
摘要: 针对活性炭粉末和活性炭块体在吸油除污过程中,易沉积到水中,不利于吸附漂浮在水面上的油膜,同时难以回收再利用的问题。首先对椰壳活性炭改性,以提高其吸油性能;再通过聚乙烯醇与甲醛聚合反应,并经发泡致孔,制备出可循环使用、具有三维网络孔结构的活性炭/有机复合材料。通过正交实验方案设计,考察水、活性炭、稀硫酸(9%)、甲醛溶液(40%)、可溶性淀粉的量及反应温度对所制多孔复合材料吸附油水混合体系效果的影响。相对于粉末活性炭和块体活性炭,所制柔性复合材料密度小(0.1977g/cm3),在使用过程中可以完全漂浮在水面上,有利于吸附漂浮的油膜,方便回收再利用。所制的多孔复合材料呈海绵状,具有丰富发达的多级孔结构,在最佳工艺条件下油吸附量达到活性炭的1.5倍左右。Abstract: Activated carbons in powder and monolithic form easily form sediments in water, leading to the failure to adsorb an oil film on the water surface. To solve these problems, coconut shell activated carbons were modified to increase their oil-absorption ability and a 3D sponge-like activated carbon/organic composite was then prepared through polymerization of polyvinyl alcohol with formalin in the presence of a foaming agent and the modified activated carbon. The effects of the amounts of water, activated carbon, dilute sulfuric acid (9%) and formaldehyde solution (40%), and reaction temperature on the oil adsorption performance of the composites were investigated. The composites had a hierarchical porous structure and floated on the water surface due to their low density (about 0.197 7 g/cm3). A composite prepared under optimal conditions can adsorb approximately 1.5 times as much oil as the original activated carbon. Its robust and flexible properties make it suitable for recycling during use.