
The densification mechanism of polyacrylonitrile carbon fibers during carbonization

  • 摘要: 研究了PAN纤维在不同炭化温度下(900~1 400℃)的致密性变化规律及机理。研究表明,随炭化温度升高,纤维密度出现增大-减小-增大-减小的变化规律,在炭化温谱900,T与T,0下密度具有相同的变化规律,但出现极值的温度不同,而两种温谱下密度随元素含量的变化则完全一致。在炭化温谱900,T下,1 050℃之前以缩聚反应为主,小分子气体快速逸出,密度快速增大;纤维在1 050℃左右出现最大失重速率,石墨微晶片层增长速度变缓,氮气释放量最大;1 050℃之后以裂解反应为主,元素大量裂解逸出使纤维密度迅速下降;1 250℃之后纤维中只有氮气逸出,石墨化转变与氮元素快速逸出的竞争反应使得密度先增后降,在1 350℃出现极大值。


    Abstract: The densification mechanism of polyacrylonitrile carbon fibers during carbonization from 900 to 1 400℃ was investigated. The density, elemental composition, microstructure and weight loss of the fibers, as well as the gases released during the process were analyzed to reveal the mechanism. Results indicated that the density of the fibers was strongly dependent on the carbonization temperature and reactions involved indifferent temperature regimes. Condensation, pyrolysis and graphitization reactions were dominant at low (<1 050℃), medium (1 050-1 250℃) and high (>1 250℃) temperatures, respectively. The amount of small molecule gas released and the fiber density both increased rapidly with temperature when condensation reactions dominated. The fiber density decreased as a result of nitrogen release when pyrolysis reactions dominated above 1050℃ while the fiber density increased due to the growth and increase in order of the graphene layers during graphitization. The two fiber density maxima found with increasing carbonization temperature were attributed to the different reactions.


